The extrusion process advantage of agricultural raw materials processing into food and feed over traditional technologies is the high specific productivity, energy efficiency and versatility of use. The presence of a large number of control factors and influence on the raw materials quality, such as operating parameters and structural elements, make extrusion a difficult reproducible process when scaling or moving from one installation to another. But this aspect is the reason for the maximum flexibility of extrusion systems and the possibility of their continuous improvement. One of the ways for the extrusion technology development is the improvement of equipment and design solutions in the field of energy saving. Investigations of the thermoplastic extrusion process of wheat grinding with the application of the recovery of steam heat generated by a special configuration of screw elements and its degassing with the feeding into the processed material were carried out in the work. The modernized extruder Werner & Phleiderer Continua 37, supplemented by a developed recuperative unit and a steam line, was used to achieve this goal. An assessment of changes in energy consumption during steam recovery was carried out. The physicochemical properties of the experimental and control samples of wheat grain extrudates obtained under various operating conditions were investigated and determined. It was found out that the steam recovery mode is a statistically significant reason for increasing the humidity of the extruded product from 3.8 to 5.0 bulk density - by 15% relative to the mode without recovery. A decrease in the explosion coefficient and the water-holding capacity of the extrudates during operation in the regenerative mode of extrusion was noticed. The presented method with additional thermal effects on the processed raw materials allows us to expand the technological capabilities of the process of thermoplastic extrusion in obtaining products of various functional and technological purposes.
The presence of a large number of control factors and influence on the raw materials quality, such as operating parameters and structural elements, make extrusion a difficult reproducible process when scaling or moving from one installation to another. This aspect is the reason for the maximum flexibility of extrusion systems and the possibility of their continuous improvement
One of the ways for the extrusion technology development is the improvement of equipment and design solutions in the field of energy saving
Investigations of the thermoplastic extrusion process of wheat grinding with the application of the recovery of steam heat generated by a special configuration of screw elements and its degassing with the feeding into the processed material were carried out in the work
Но этот аспект является причиной максимальной гибкости систем экструдирования и возможности постоянного их совершенствования. Проведены исследования процесса термопластической экструзии помола пшеницы с использованием рекуперации теплоты пара, генерируемого специальной конфигурацией элементов шнеков и его дегазации с подачей в перерабатываемый материал. Проведена оценка изменения энергопотребления при рекуперации пара. Исследованы и определены физико-химические свойства опытных и контрольных образцов экструдатов зерна пшеницы, получаемых при различных режимах работы. Установлено, что режим рекуперации пара является статистически значимой причиной повышения влажности экструдированного продукта с 3,8 до 5,0 насыпной плотности – на 15% относительно режима без рекуперации. Представленный способ с дополнительным тепловым воздействием на перерабатываемое сырье позволяет расширить технологические возможности осуществления процесса термопластической экструзии при получении продукции различного функционального и технологического назначения. Ключевые слова: экструзия, сельскохозяйственное сырье, рекуперация пара, удельный расход электроэнергии, технологические свойства
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