
Rivers together with the surrounding greenery constitute an important element of the green and blue infrastructure in the city. The protection of these natural ecological corridors is one of the tasks of modern spatial planning. Along with the development of cities, buildings in urban areas are becoming closer to river beds. Various types of facilities are erected in their surroundings, including large-area constructions, such as shopping centres. This article presents research on how the watercourse environment is transformed by building a shopping centre. The paper presents functional and spatial analyses of riverside areas located in the vicinity of three shopping centres in Central Europe: ‘Forum Gdańsk’ in Gdańsk, ‘Galeria Jurajska’ in Częstochowa and ‘Šantovka’ in Olomouc. Various aspects of some transformations are presented, consisting in the exploitation of the advantages of natural greenery or its marginalisation, e.g. by backfilling or the housing of watercourses.

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