
GROUP 1 Case 1.—Disseminated Hematogenous Tuberculosis of the Lupus Tumidus Type. Presented by Dr. Franz Blumenthal, Ann Arbor, Mich., and Dr. H. Pinkus, Eloise, Mich. E. B., a well developed and well nourished Negro aged 32, presents fifteen or twenty lesions which are symmetrically distributed on the face, the neck, the trunk, the scrotum and the extremities. They vary in diameter from several millimeters to 15 cm. and consist of indolent sharply defined soft, tumor-like plaques, elevated from 2 to 8 mm. Their surfaces are furrowed as if composed of confluent nodules. The larger plaques are scaly and partly eroded in the center. The lesions resemble keloids except for their softness. A probe breaks through the surface easily. Diascopic examination reveals yellowish brown miliary nodules beneath the surface of the less pigmented parts of the lesions. The remaining examination reveals large bilateral nasal polyps and bilateral complete indirect inguinal

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