
A key action of current aquatic environmental sciences is the determination of concentration-response assessments to quantitatively measure the risk of pollutants, and fish lethal tests are still a regulatory requirement for assessing the environmental risk of both new and existing substances in the aquatic compartment. However, animal health and welfare aspects, as well as the time and resources required to support fish lethal testing, stimulate research for alternative in vitro methods, and cell-based assays are considered as one such alternative. The first goal of the present study was to compile existing fish short-term toxicity and cell toxicity data of pesticides through a scientific literature search, and relate in vivo and in vitro results to identify sensitive cell models, mammalian-, fish- or arthropod-derived. Discovering cell models which are sensitive is of great importance, since the risk of false negatives, believed to be the main limitation of cell-based assays as an alternative to fish tests, may decrease. As to the second goal, this study also determined and compared cell toxicity results for 12 pesticides using rat cardiomyoblast H9c2(2–1) cells with the corresponding fish LC50,96h (50% lethal concentration at 96 h of exposure) values collected in literature. On the whole, the in vivo/in vitro ratio was obtained for 50 pesticides belonging to 23 groups, and presented only 27% of positive results, thus confirming the low sensitivity of cell-based assays in relation to fish lethal data for pesticides. In general, cell-based assays still do not seem to be an alternative to the regulatory short-term fish assay for pesticides, making further studies necessary.

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