Chaos communication system is possible to improve the system security by using chaos signal. Further, it is possible to reduce the possibility of eavesdropping, and have strong characteristics from interference signal and jamming signal. However, BER(Bit Error Rate) performance of chaos system is worse than digital communication system. By this reason, researches in order to improve the BER performance of chaos communication system are being actively studied. In previous studies, we proposed a novel chaos map for BER performance improvement, and called it 'Boss map'. Also, we proposed a novel chaos transceiver for BER performance improvement. However, BER performance is evaluated differently according to delay time in transceiver. Therefore, in order to use Boss map effectively, we should find the optimal delay time in proposed chaos transceiver. In this paper, when Boss map is used, we evaluate BER performance of CDSK(Correlation Delay Shift Keying) system and novel chaos transceiver according to delay time. After evaluation of BER performance according to delay time, we find a delay time that is possible to have best BER performance in CDSK system and novel chaos transceiver. 논문 14-39A-07-01 The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society '14-07 Vol.39A No.07 http://dx.doi.org/10.7840/kics.2014.39A.7.365 365 ※ 이 논문은 2012년도, 2013년도 정부(교육과학기술부)의 재원으로 한국연구재단의 지원을 받아 수행된 기초연구사업임(No. 20120173 39), (No.2013R1A2A2A01005849). First Author:Department of Electronic Engineering, Chungbuk National University, toogee89@nate.com, 학생회원 ° Corresponding Author:Department of Electronic Engineering, Chungbuk National University, ecomm@cbu.ac.kr, 정회원 * 한국전파진흥협회, hskeum@rapa.or.kr, ** SK Telecom, danny92@nate.com, 정회원 논문번호:KICS2014-03-094, Receved March 18 2014; Revised June 3, 2014; Accepted June 20, 2014 The Journal of Korea Information and Communications Society '14-07 Vol.39A No.07
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