We used trap-nests to survey cavity-nesting Hymenoptera in eight clear-cuts in northeastern Georgia and northwestern South Carolina during April–September, 2001. Occupants of trap-nests included: three Vespidae (Eumeninae) (Euodynerus megaera (Lepeletier), Ancistrocerus campestris (Saussure), and Monobia quadridens (L.)); five Sphecidae (Isodontia mexicana (Saussure), Solierella plenoculoides (Fox), Trypoxylon collinum (Smith), T. clavatum (Say), and T. striatum Provancher); one Apidae (Xylocopa virginica (L.)); and two Megachilidae (Megachile frigida Smith and Osmia albiventris Cresson). Parasites reared from nests include Coelioxys sp. from nests of M. frigida, Melittobia digitata Dahms from nests of T. collinum, miltogrammine flies from a nest of I. mexicana, and a chrysidid from a nest of A. campestris. We present the first biological data for S. plenoculoides and M. frigida along with information on nest architecture (closure plug thickness, presence of vestibules, number and length of cells). Bees (O. albiventris and M. frigida) nested early in the season (April–May), whereas the vespids and sphecids nested predominantly in the summer (May–August). Only E. megaera nested at all sites; it accounted for 35% of all completed nests. Comparisons made with trap-nest data collected 40 years earlier by Krombein (1967) in various southeastern U.S. localities revealed differences that are interpreted in light of nest placement and the arrival of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren.
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