
The Sino-America relations is changing constantly, but not in a specific instant. From 1949 to 1972, The United State of America start to embargo to People’s Republic of China. It is a beginning of the relationship between China and America go to deteriorate slowly. American government also imposed policies to limit visa issue [1] of the most of Chinese officials and some national company and strict control visa for Chinese visitors. This increases the ossification between America and China. In addition, during the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Ukraine shows a pro-American position and Chinese government has relatively peaceful relationship with the Russia in order to against the American hegemony. Thus, this situation aggravated the intense situation between China and America indirectly. Furthermore, people start make the emotion of disgust for opposite country, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs express agree for people. Then, Taiwan issue became a sensitive topic for China. The Chinese government has been making efforts to resolve the Taiwan Strait issue peacefully. However, American officials’ visit to Taiwan which never notify China and provide weapons for China. This action thoroughly infuriated China and Chinese Air Force went to China’s airspace around the Taiwan at the first time and issued a warning. The reason is principle of insist only one China is a precondition for build relationship. American officials’ visit to Taiwan which mean against that in public.

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