
<p>「顧客永遠是對的!」,這句口號長久以來一直深入人心,而且被奉為企業的圭臬。但是,如果顧客有錯,那要怎麼辦?然而,在企業的實務中,「奧客」是一個相當常見,而且讓員工相當頭痛的問題。因此,是不是真的有「奧客」?「奧客」是怎麼形成的?「奧客」長什麼樣子?當員工碰到「奧客」時要怎麼處理?本研究從相關文獻的回顧,探討難纏顧客的起源與發展過程,瞭解難纏顧客形成的原因,找出難纏顧客的主要類型,描述難纏顧客的背景特質,分析難纏顧客對企業與服務人員的影響效果,並且依照難纏顧客的類型提出可行的應對策略,提供企業與員工在面對難纏顧客時之參考。</p> <p> </p><p>This study reviewed the relevant literature to explore the causes and coping strategies of customer from hell, and found that: (1) The reasons for the formation of customer from hell include: personal (past experience and professional knowledge, financial incentives, psychological factors), organizational (customer orientation), environment (economic and socio-cultural, ease to steal), etc., and will vary by industry. (2) The types of customer from hell can be summarized as: drunk and trouble, violent words and deeds, violation of rules, greed for petty gain, parental connivance, destructive behavior, never satisfied, delay time, stealing goods, deceit and lying, self-centeredness, sexual harassment, and others. (3) The impact of customer from hell will cause direct and indirect cost losses on the organization side, and there will be a domino effect and spoiled effect on the customer side. It can cause short-term emotional impact, long-term psychological impact, behavioral changes and physical damage of employees. (4) When enterprises face customer from hell, they can use the two axes of "frequency of occurrence" and "degree of influence" to divide them into four quadrants, and adopt "call the police", "supervisor assistance", "change staff", "authorized employee" with four different coping strategies.</p> <p> </p>

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