
There are a few compelling issues that make the coastal dwellers to accept livestock rearing as an alternative means of livelihood. The study examined the causes and consequences of livestock farming during the fallow period of crop production as perceived by the farmers. Data were collected from 111 villagers of Assasuni upazila of Satkhira district from May 08 to December 23, 2021. Respondents’ perceptions regarding the causes and consequences of livestock rearing were the focus variable and the thirteen selected characteristics of the respondents were the independent issues. All the respondents (100%) had clear perception about the causes. ‘Paddy was cultivated once a year and the land remains fallow during rest of the times’ was the leading cause (1st ranked, 98.37%) of livestock rearing. Almost all of the respondents (98.2%) had high score on perception of consequences. ‘It has been possible to earn some money from the fallow land’ was the 1st ranked consequence (96.26%). Most of the respondents (92.8%) had faced highly severe problems. ‘Shortage of food for cattle during the cropping season’, ‘lack of nutritious fodder’ and ‘lack of good medical treatment’ were the main problems. Knowledge, number of trainings received, cosmopolitanism and extension media contact showed significant positive relationship with the farmers’ perceptions on related causes, consequences and faced problem of livestock rearing. Based on the findings, it is recommended that respective authorities i.e., the Department of Livestock Services, the Department of Agricultural Extension and NGOs might foster livestock rearing to enhance this alternate livelihood in the study area.

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