
In California, much of the remaining vernal pool habitat is used for cattle grazing. Some studies suggest that grazing helps promote native plant diversity on grasslands, but the impact of grazing on plants that reside in pool basins is largely unknown. We investigated how one aspect of cattle grazing, the deposition of waste, affects these plant species by adding dung and urine to mesocosms lined with vernal pool soil. As a result of dung input, orthophosphate, conductivity, and turbidity increased in our mesocosms while dissolved oxygen decreased. Such changes in water quality are consistent with a shift toward a eutrophic state. Algal biomass and percent-cover also increased in dung-treated mesocosms. When the mesocosms dried, vascular plant species richness and percent-cover in dung-treated mesocosms were reduced by up to 54% and 87%, respectively. We attribute this to light attenuation by algal mats that flourished in the nutrient-enriched water. We also found that dung input caused significant, but weak, shifts in the composition of the vascular plant community. We conclude that cattle grazing may be detrimental to plant communities in vernal pools via increased nutrient loading, which promotes algal growth. Any beneficial effects of grazing may thus be limited to the surrounding grassland. Studies that examine the regional-scale impacts of grazing on vernal pool grasslands should separately consider the impacts to local-scale (i.e., within-pool) plant diversity, as most of the threatened and endangered plant species of California vernal pools reside primarily in pool basins.

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