
The article is devoted to the study of the work of the classic of Kazakh literature Zhambyl Zhabayev. The importance and relevance of his poetic heritage is noted. The peculiarities of the worldview and perception of the world, the originality of the author's concept of being and the personality of Zh. Zhabayev are revealed. The article indicates that each of his works is imbued with civil and patriotic motives. The poet's work is viewed through the prism of the chronotope problem, which is one of the most relevant in modern literary study. The object of the research was Zh. Zhabayev's poem “Utegen batyr”. Based on the analysis of this work, the role and meaning of the categories of time and space, their functions in literary work are revealed. In the research process, various methods and techniques are used. The main ones are historical-functional, psychological methods, an integrated approach. Their use contributed to a deep understanding of the features of the ideological and thematic content and structural organization of the poem “Utegen Batyr”. It is indicated, that the chronotope is the basis for the construction of the poet's artistic world, his system of aesthetic and philosophical views. Based on the analysis of this category, the attitude of the author and hero to the historical events and phenomena of reality described in the work is determined. During the research, it is noted, that the space-time continuum of Zh. Zhabayev's poem is characterized by multidimensionality. The events depicted in the work unfold in several planes – historical, fairy-tale-mythological, oneiric, real. The poem tells about the development of the country in the first half of the XX century. Zh. Zhabayev, referring to Utegen batyr, talks about the transformations taking place in Kazakhstan. Thus, he recreates the appearance of the historical eras in which the main character of the work and the poet himself lived. In the work of Zh. Zhabayev, various types of chronotopes are reflected – social, cultural-historical, psychological, biological. The events depicted in the work unfold in several directions. Various types of chronotopes are reflected in the poem. They contribute to obtaining a holistic and deep understanding of the depicted reality and the image of the central character. Great attention is paid to the analysis of the author's and hero's chronotopes. In the process of research, the inner world of Utegen batyr is described. The peculiarities of his attitude to the world, to reality, the space of his soul and consciousness are comprehended. In the article images that contain spatial and temporal meanings are considered. The author's concept of time and space is revealed. During the research, it is indicated that the poem of Zh. Zhabayev “Utegen batyr” is characterized by polyphony. It manifests itself at the level of the categories of time and space and many voices.

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