
Application of composite catalyst carbon fiber modified with iron/iron oxides for heterogeneous catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of phenol is considered. Aspects of catalytic degradation of hydrogen peroxide resulting in formation of active species for CWPO in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts such as activated carbon and activated carbon with the phase of metal/metal oxides are overviewed. Phenol was degraded mostly by the attack of hydroxyl radicals formed from hydrogen peroxide in presence of iron(II) ions on the catalyst surface and in the bulk solution due to iron leaching. The efficiency of application of heterogeneous catalysts carbon fiber and composite carbon fiber/(iron, iron oxide) is determined by few factors such as pH and ratio of phenol : hydrogen peroxide at initial concentration of phenol of 0.182∙10-3 mol/L. In all experimental runs other parameters were kept constant and samples of solution were being withdrawn at regular intervals of time for the analysis on UV-spectrometer. The removal efficiency of phenol (%) was calculated as ratio of the change in the phenol concentration at reaction time to initial concentration of phenol. It was shown that optimal ratio of phenol: hydrogen peroxide and value of pH exists, at which high efficiency of degradation of organic pollutant is achieved. A solution pH 4 and ratio of phenol:hydrogen peroxide 1:6 appeared as the most favorable reaction conditions for achieving 88 % removal efficiency of phenol. At these conditions composite carbon fiber/(iron, iron oxide) acting as a heterogeneous catalyst in the Fenton-like process, demonstrates the high efficiency of degradation and removing organic pollutant from the water.Forcitation:Artemyanov A.P., Zemskova L.A., Ivanov V.V. Catalytic liquid-phase oxidation of phenol in water media using carbon fiber/(iron, iron oxide) catalyst. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Khim. Khim. Tekhnol. 2017. V. 60. N 8. P. 88-95.

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