
Abstract: The infrastructure business in India is rapidly increasing. Infrastructure is the most major hindrance to the growth of Indian businesses in India. Existing buildings account for 45 percent of worldwide energy use in the current condition. These constructions' greenhouse gas emissions are mostly to blame for global warming, acid rain, and other environmental difficulties. We can reduce our dependency on limited natural resources like power, water, and materials which use in building while simultaneously enhancing our contribution to environmental quality by incorporating green building themes into the design, construction, and maintenance of buildings, and restoration of our houses. It is a common misconception that only new buildings can be certified as green building, however this is not true. Existing buildings may be made certified green by taking certain step. With each existing building's effort in adopting the existing green building strategies, an enormous effect in combating global warming will be anticipated in return. GRIHA provides green building certification at various levels. There are several ways for meeting these objectives with the cooperation of humans and the use of modern technology and procedures. In retrofitting existing building for GRIHA certification, aspects like site availability, energy efficiency, water efficiency, renewable energy, natural lighting are taken into account. The present paper presents the retrofitting required to transform an existing building to a certified green building with ease and cost effectiveness.

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