
Ashmari comes under Mutravaha srotovikara and Ashtamahagada as described in Sushruta Samhita. In Sushruta Samhita it is explained that the formation of Mutrashmari is due to drying up of Kapha because of the action of Vata and Pitta. Mutravega avarodha or Vegadharana is another cause attributed to the formation of Ashmari. The incidence of Renal Calculi is 1-3% in adult population. In general population the incidence is increasing due to metabolic derangement. Most common type of renal stones is Oxalate stone, which accounts for 70% of all Renal stones. Cakradatta mention Pasanbhedadi Churna and Varunadi Kwath are useful to treat Ashmari. In X-ray about 90 %of Renal Calculi are radio-opaque. Keywords: Mutrashmari, renal calculi, Chakradatta, Pasanbhedadi Churna, Varunadi Kwath.

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