
Background. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the airways that causes bronchial hyperactivity. Children with respiratory tract disorders often experience an increase in excessive mucus production in their lungs, mucus/phlegm often accumulates and becomes thick making it difficult to be expelled. Management of asthma in children can be carried out pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Non-pharmacological therapy can be done in various ways, including effective coughing exercises and deep breathing relaxation techniques.
 Methods. Case study research on one participant (An. A). This research was conducted for three consecutive days in the general hospital in Banyumas with a duration of five minutes for each intervention. Both of these interventions were carried out once a day after being given nebulizer pharmacological therapy.
 Results. Intervention of effective cough techniques and deep breathing relaxation techniques has an impact on expelling sputum (phlegm) and can improve respiratory frequency in children.
 Conclusion. Practicing effective coughing can reduce symptoms of coughing up phlegm thereby helping to expel sputum while deep breathing relaxation techniques can increase oxygen saturation and decrease respiratory frequency. Both of these non-pharmacological therapies can be carried out well independently.

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