
Pulmonary sclerosing (Pneumocytoma) is a rare benign pulmonary tumor of primitive epithelial origin. Because of the unspecific radiological features mimicking malignancies and their histological heterogeneity, the differential diagnosis with adenocarcinoma and carcinoid tumors is still challenging. We report a case of sclerosing pneumocytoma, as well as a review of the literature. Immunohistochemical findings showed intense staining of the cuboidal epithelial cells for cytokeratin-pool and TTF-1, with focal positivity for progesterone receptors. Round and spindle cells expressed positivity for vimentin, TTF-1, and focally for the progesterone receptor. Since the pre- and intraoperative diagnosis should guide surgical decision-making, obtaining a sufficient specimen size to find representative material in the cell block is of paramount importance. This overview highlights what physicians need to know regarding clinical manifestations, radiological and histological features as well as recent advances in immunohistochemistry in the diagnosis of this disease.

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