
History A 44-year-old woman who was a resident of Bihar, which is a state in eastern India, presented to the surgical outpatient department of our hospital with a history of gradually increasing swelling of the right breast associated with redness, pain, and itching over the past month (Fig 1). She reported a general sense of malaise and experienced episodes of chills over the past 6 months; however, she had no documented fever. There was no history of breast trauma. No history suggestive of a possible hypercoagulable state could be elicited (she was a nonsmoker, had undergone uncomplicated normal vaginal delivery 15 years earlier, was not taking oral contraceptives, and had no history to suggest past deep venous thrombosis). General physical examination findings were unremarkable. On local examination, she was found to have diffuse enlargement of the right breast. The skin over the lateral part of the breast was erythematous and showed the presence of prominent superficial veins. On palpation, few ill-defined firm mobile masses were found in the upper outer quadrant with overlying skin induration. No skin ulceration or nipple discharge was present. Few firm and discrete lymph nodes were palpable in the right axilla. Laboratory investigations showed mild anemia (hemoglobin level, 10 g/dL; normal range, 12-15 g/dL), a total leukocyte count of 14 000 cells per microliter (14 cells × 109/L) (normal range, 4500-11 000 cells per microliter [4.5-11 cells × 109/L]), a normal differential leukocyte count (74% neutrophils [normal range, 40%-80%], 24% lymphocytes [normal range, 20%-40%], and 2% eosinophils [normal range, 1%-4%]), and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate of 31 mm per hour (normal range, 0-29 mm per hour). She underwent both mammography (Fig 2) and US (Fig 3). Real-time US showed mobile structures on the series of US images obtained seconds apart (Fig 4). On the basis of the imaging findings, US-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology was performed to confirm the diagnosis, and appropriate treatment was instituted.

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