
At the end of the XXI century, a big immigration phenomenon happened in the south of Brazil, when thousands of European decided to leave their native country to look for new and unexplored lands. The material and immaterial multicultural patrimony generated by them remains as history legacy from the European colonization (Portuguese, German and Italian), and many other ethnic groups developed and raised the people of Rio Grande do Sul. In these work we are going to deal particularly with the heritages from the peoples who debarked at Guimarães’ harbor, in São Sebastião do Caí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that were spread out through communities as the Rio Branco road was opened. This road has an extension of 250 Kilometers moreover, nowadays, it passes through one of the most important industrial developed regions of Brazil. Even so, we can still find through this road many architectonic exemplars of the immigration period, as well as descendants residing on its banks.
 The Casarão Amália Noll, in Feliz city, is one of these exemplars of the survival architecture from the past period. This building shows distinct steps and constructive techniques, furthermore we can identify in one single room the presence of the characteristics from the Portuguese, German and Italian architecture. In 2015, the construction finds itself in low state of preservation, when at the time begins the woks of cadastral surveys, diagnosis of pathologies and proposal of intervention.
 The present article aim to show the proposed solutions for the first stage of architectonic intervention, in which we opted for the ruin stabilization and for the architectonic volumes restoration. At the new restored space will work a traditional German brewery, called Biergarten of Amália, beyond the museum of craft beer, immaterial heritage brought by the Germany people to the region.

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