
Background: The type of food and drink consumed by children also contributes in the process of dental caries, children tend to meth Nyukai types of foods with sweet taste such as candy, chocolate, ice cream, doughnuts, soft drinks, and still lack knowledge in maintaining dental health, especially in brushing teeth will accelerate the occurrence of dental caries. Wulandari NY. research, et al. (2018), explaining the prevalence of permanent first molar caries of elementary school students ages 8-10 years found 8-year-olds as many as 108 (43.5%), 9-year-olds as many as 233 (59.4%). 10-year-olds as many as 137 (45%) experience. Research Objective: Analyzing the relationship of caryogenic foods and drink with first molar caries remains in children aged 10-12 years who seek treatment in the dental and oral health room of UPTD Puskesmas Tawang Kota Tasikmalaya. Research method: is a non-experimental study that is with cross sectional research design, to find out the dynamics of two research variables, namely free variables and bound variables. The study subjects will be observed one (1) time, namely dental health examinations and questionnaire filling. Data collection technique is at the same time (point time approach). Research results: the relationship of caryogenic food and drink with first molar dental caries remained in children aged 10-12 years who sought treatment in the dental and oral health room of UPTD Tawang Health Center of Tasikmalaya City, using spear maan correlation test with the level of meaningfulness of probability value (ρ value) = 0.015 (< α: 0.05), obtained p-value spearmen 0.433 showing the strength of correlation that is moderate with a value of p = 0.017 (p<0.05), this indicates there is a relationship between cariogenic food and drink first molar caries fixed in children aged 10-12 years who seek treatment in the dental and oral health room of UPTD Puskesmas Tawang Tasikmalaya City. Conclusion: There is a relationship between carogenic foods and drink with first molar caries fixed in children aged 10-12 years who seek treatment in the dental and oral health room UPTD Puskesmas Tawang Kota Tasikmalaya, medium correlation strength with the value p = 0.017 (p<0.05).

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