
Data on the distribution, biomorphology, ecological and phytocenotic features, and protection of Carex bohemica Schreb. in the Vologda Region are presented. The choice of the object of study is associated with the rarity of the species in the region and its poor knowledge base. Bohemian sedge was registered in the region for the first time only 45 years ago and is currently known from 11 localities situated in two administrative districts (Vytegorsky and Cherepovetsky). All records are concentrated only in the western part of the region, where the species is found in the coastal areas of two reservoirs of the Volga-Baltic waterway and two disappearing lakes. Findings of the species fall within the boundaries of 6 squares of grid mapping adopted in Atlas Florae Europaeae. The life form of the species is defined as a loose turf-forming perennial polycarpic herbaceous plant with self-orthotropic non-succulent assimilate shoots. C. bohemica is found along the banks and shallows of karst lakes, flood zones of reservoirs, and floating peatlands. The species prefers sandy, sandy-stony or silty soils, and a changeable-level hydrological regime. In localities known in the region (as well as in other parts of the range), the species may not occur for some time but later appear copiously, showing a short burst of abundance. The species is included in the Red Data Book of the Vologda Region with the 2/VU/II conservation status. C. bohemica was recorded within the boundaries of three protected areas (Darvinskiy State Natural Biosphere Reserve, hydrological natural reserves (zakaznik’s) “Kushtozersky” and “Shimozersky”). The necessary protection measures for the species include control and monitoring of the state of the populations identified in the region and targeted surveys for new places of its growth, as well as further studies of its ecology and, if necessary, introduction measures.

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