
Abstract: Artificial Neural Network is an important tool used in machine learning. The name 'neural' implies that it is a system that is derived from the human nervous system (brain) and is aimed at replicating the way humans comprehend. Neural Network is basically comprised of input layer, output layer and a hidden layer which consists of units that process the input data and transform them into the information that the output layer can utilize. There is a thing among the youth in choosing their career paths that they generally opt on either the recommendation of their colleagues or the job roles that are the highest paying in terms of salary. They lack the awareness of their strengths and skills that results in them choosing their career arbitrarily, which leads to frustration and demoralization. Besides, when the recruiters recruit the candidates, they need to evaluate them in many different facets. Therefore, there is a need for a system that can help such students in deciding a job role that is best suited for him/her which is in accordance with their skill set and other evaluation metrics which can now be achieved by the advancement in the field of deep learning. We propose an automated system using Artificial Neural Network which examines the personality traits of the individual along with academics and personal interests to predict which job role in computer science would be the best suited for them.

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