
The three-dimensional structures of proteins contained in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank were analyzed for bound metal ions. Well over 150 unique protein structures are available which contain seven different types of bound metal ions. Iron, calcium, and zinc are most commonly observed, and the extended coordination polyhedra of biological zinc are the subject of this study. In particular, histidine residues ligating zinc ions are often found to bridge both the zinc ion and the carboxylate side chain of a nearby aspartate (sometimes glutamate) residue. We refer to the carboxylate-histidine-zinc interaction as indirect carboxylate-metal coordination, and we observe this feature in all zinc enzymes of reported three-dimensional structure. Additionally, we also observe a related carbonyl-histidine-zinc interaction in some metalloproteins. We observe some direct carboxylate-zinc interactions, and their coordination stereochemistry is exclusively syn with respect to the carboxylate. On the basis of available protein structures and known homologues thereof, more than 30 examples of indirect carboxylate-zinc coordination across bridging histidine can be identified. The carboxylate-histidine-zinc triad may be important in the function of many zinc-containing proteins and enzymes, e.g., by strengthening metal complexation or modulating the nucleophilicity of zinc-bound water. The presence of an uncomplexed carboxylate-histidine couple (a grouping more basic than histidine alone) in a native protein can also signal a regulatory metal binding site. Indeed, the Asp—His couple of the serine protease active site may comprise a structural, evolutionary link to the Asp—His of the zinc protease metal coordination polyhedron.

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