
The Deccan Traps in Western India is hypothesized to have caused significant fluctuations in climatic condition and organic matter (OM) productivity across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary (K/PgB). The periodic release of large amounts of volatiles into the atmosphere is thought to drive these changes. Yet, direct impact of volcanism on the carbon cycle and ecosystem remains relatively unconstrained. For the first time, we attempt to trace changes in both marine and terrestrial carbon reservoirs from pre- and intervolcanic sedimentary units (infra- and inter-trappeans respectively) from Rajahmundry, ~1500km SE of main eruption sites in Western India. Molecular level characterization of OM and stable isotope composition of carbonates (δ13 Ccarb ), bulk OM (δ13 Corg ), and n-alkane (δ13 Calk and δDalk ) have been analysed to provide a chemo-stratigraphic framework. In Rajahmundry, high CO2 concentration estimated from infra-trappean carbonate nodule is synchronous with the onset of the Deccan Traps and the Late Maastrichtian warming episode. Impact of the warming event is reflected in Rajahmundry from a major shift in the terrestrial ecosystem. Marine OM production also seems to have been low throughout the infra-trappean. A steady decrease in δ13 Ccarb values, increase in mortality rates and dwarfism in invertebrates immediately below the first volcanic units in Rajahmundry suggest stressed conditions from eruption in the western part of India ~40-60kyrs prior to K/PgB. A significant increase in heterotrophic activity is observed after the volcanic deposits in Rajahmundry that seems to have controlled the marine carbon reservoir for a maximum of ~200kyrs after the boundary. Advent of pteridophytes, increase in carbon content and positive shifts in δ13 Ccarb and δ13 Calk values in the upper inter-trappean units mark the onset of recovery in terrestrial and marine environments. Overall, our results suggest significant perturbations in the carbon reservoir as a consequence of the Deccan eruption.

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