
This study investigates the paleobiological significance of pyritic stromatolites from the 3.48 billion-year-old Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton. By combining paleoenvironmental analyses with observations from well-preserved stromatolites in newly obtained drill cores, the research reveals stratiform and columnar to domal pyritic structures with wavy to wrinkly laminations and crest thickening, hosted within facies variably influenced by syn-depositional hydrothermal activity. The columnar and domal stromatolites occur in strata with clearly distinguishable primary depositional textures. Mineralogical variability and fine-scale interference textures between the microbialites and the enclosing sediment highlight interplays between microbial and depositional processes. The stromatolites consist of organomineralization - nanoporous pyrite and microspherulitic barite - hosting significant thermally mature organic matter (OM). This includes filamentous organic microstructures encased within nanoporous pyrite, resembling the extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) of microbes. These findings imply biogenicity and support the activity of microbial life in a volcano-sedimentary environment with hydrothermal activity and evaporative cycles. Coupled changes in stromatolite morphology and host facies suggest growth in diverse niches, from dynamic, hydrothermally influenced shallow-water environments to restricted brine pools strongly enriched in from seawater and hydrothermal activity. These observations, along with S stable isotope data indicating influence by S metabolisms, and accumulations of biologically significant metals and metalloids (Ni and As) within the microbialites, help constrain microbial processes. Columnar to domal stromatolites in dynamic, hydrothermally influenced shallow water deposits likely formed by microbial communities dominated by phototrophs. Stratiform pyritic structures within barite-rich strata may reflect the prevalence of chemotrophs near hydrothermal venting, where hydrothermal activity and microbial processes influenced barite precipitation. Rapid pyrite precipitation, a putative taphonomic process for preserving microbial remnants, is attributed to microbial sulfate reduction and reduced S sourced from hydrothermal activity. In conclusion, this research underscores the biogenicity of the Dresser stromatolites and advances our understanding of microbial ecosystems in Earth's early history.

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