Igneous intrusions into coals and organic-rich rocks may have contributed to global warming in the geologic past through the release of greenhouse gases. Evidence for a large release of thermogenic CH4 from the organics would include significant δ13Corg enrichment in the residual organic matter (OM). However, δ13Corg values of thermally altered OM in coals and shales adjacent to intrusions often show negative trends or, in some cases, ambiguous or positive trends. Previous studies have evaluated the δ13Corg of whole-coal samples rather than that of individual organic components, or macerals. As different macerals have different isotopic compositions, maceral-specific trends may be masked by variations in maceral composition of the bulk samples. This study evaluates the hypothesis that, if a large-scale release of 13C-depleted thermogenic CH4 resulted from intrusion of the coal, then it should have produced 13C-enriched coal residuum and, specifically, vitrinite (the most abundant component of the coal) adjacent to the intrusion. This study reports geochemical and petrographic data for whole-coal samples and vitrinite macerals (separated via density-gradient centrifugation, DGC) from a transect of thermally altered Springfield (No. 5) Coal (Pennsylvanian) in the Illinois Basin.Approaching the dike contact, mean vitrinite reflectance (Rr) increases from background levels of 0.55% up to ~4.8% and liptinites become indistinguishable from vitrinite. Isotropic and fine-grained circular mosaic coke is observed in samples within ~1.3m of the coal/intrusion contact. Approaching the intrusion, volatile matter (VM) decreases and fixed carbon (FC) and %C increase, whereas %H decreases. Total organic carbon (TOC) for whole coal decreases from 77% to 34%, whereas TOC for separated vitrinite fractions increases from ~66% to 93% toward the coal/intrusion contact. Density of DGC-separated vitrinites ranges from 1.27g/mL in the unaltered coal to 1.52g/mL in the sample adjacent to the coal/intrusion contact. Vitrinite density increases with increased Rr and %C, and decreases with increased %H and H/C.Despite these marked geochemical and petrographic changes, no significant changes in δ13Corg values of the whole coal (−25.3‰ to −24.9‰) or the separated vitrinites (−25.3‰ to −25.0‰) occur proximal to the intrusion. Changes in the isotopic signatures are not of a magnitude that would be expected if significant quantities of isotopically depleted thermogenic CH4 had been generated by the intrusive event. Moreover, no petrographic evidence supports the occurrence of condensed or immobilized thermal products due to rapid pyrolysis (such as 12C-rich pyrolytic carbon) close to the intrusion that could have moderated any changes in δ13Corg. Geochemical and petrographic results suggest that only minimal loss of CH4 was associated with the rapid heating of the Springfield (No. 5) Coal by the intrusion. These findings have significant implications for models linking past global warming to the intrusion of coals and carbonaceous shales.
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