
Carbon farming in the Kaliningrad region is based on the following principles: - Multi-field crop rotations with saturation of annual and perennial legumes and cereals; - Minimizing the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides using biological preparations based on rhizosphere nitrogen-fixing microorganisms of complex action; - Use in crop rotations of mixed legume-grass crops of different species composition and different sowing dates as predecessors and green manure for the main crops; - Mixed legume-cereal crops of different species composition can perform a protective function for subsequent main crops in the crop rotation against pathogenic microorganisms and invertebrate pests; - Mixed legume-cereal crops of summer sowing are the most economically and ecologically justified and suppliers of leguminous fodder and green fodder balanced in terms of zootechnical indicators in the late autumn period; - Mixed legume-cereal crops are considered as biological ameliorants and the main sources of stable humus;

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