
With the a iming of evaluating the psychological characteristics of the first pregnancy, 150 pregnant women showing no clinical or obstetrical abnormalities were studied in their third trimester of pregnancy. A control group of 55 patients with routine gynecological appointments were selected. These patients had been seen by the same professional at the Maternidade Dr Cury in the town of Osasco, Sao Paulo. The patients were submitted to the Wartegg Test, under supervision of the same psychologist. Demographic data were obtained by way of a questionnaire. A formal analysis was used (expressive approach) in o rder to d escribe the psychological profile of f irst pregnancies. The psychological profile obtained from the analysis of the answers to the Wartegg Test shows that the pregnancy is a period of psychic normality of adaptive nature. The pregnant individual also goes through vital critical moments of regressive nature, with anxiety and conflicts linked to sexuality and sexual i dentity, narcissism represented b y strong libidinal i nvestment within h er own ego, and the intensified u se of thought resources, imagination and fantasy.

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