
Knowledge on the genetic variation of populations of Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) can improve the understanding of genetic diversity found in their biotypes and, consequently, offer guidelines for its management. In this study, the molecular characterization was performed and genetic diversity data were obtained for this insect from three regions of Brazil on different crops [cotton and soybean (Mato Grosso - MT); cabbage (Distrito Federal - DF); soybean and potato (São Paulo - SP)], using RAPD markers. RAPD analysis indicated 80.6% polymorphic loci and the average genetic similarity obtained by the Jaccard coefficient was 0.67. The whitefly populations collected on potato (SP) and soybean (MT) had higher genetic diversity values (0.75 and 0.72, respectively). Shannon's index (Ho) showed higher values for potato and soybean (SP e MT), and a smaller value for cabbage (DF). A high genetic divergence within and among the collected populations occurred, structured according to the regions of collection. Moreover, the great genetic similarity observed between potato (SP) and soybean (SP) populations suggested that both belong to the same biotype B and reinforces the polyphagous behavior of the species.

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