
In the present paper, we have developed a capillary liquid chromatography with MS detection for the determination at ng g −1 levels of four heterocyclic aromatic amines (MeIQx, norharman, harman and harmine), a group of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds that can potentially be produced in protein-rich food during processing operations. They have been determined in commercial ready-to-eat (RTE) smoked salmon and soft cheese treated with E-beam irradiation. On the basis of experimental design studies and operating conditions of MS detector, best chromatographic conditions were obtained using a Luna ® C 18 capillary column (150 mm × 0.3 mm I.D.) with a mixture of acetonitrile–ammonium formate 5 mM pH 3.6 buffer (13:87, v/v) as mobile phase. To improve sensitivity, large injection volumes (20 μL) and injection solutions of low elution strength were employed. Sample preparation procedure included a previous treatment with 1 M NaOH, followed by two solid-phase extraction steps; firstly on diatomaceous earth and then on mixed-mode cartridges. Heterocyclic amines were detected neither in irradiated and in non-irradiated samples, indicating that they were not formed by the radiation effect even at doses higher than those indicated in the Food Safety Objective established by regulatory agencies. RTE food samples were spiked at concentration levels in the range 10–30 ng g −1. Recoveries higher than 85% ( n = 3 for each spiked level) were obtained, showing the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

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