A filed experiment was layout in split plot design with three replications in two consecutive summer seasons of 2014 and 2015 in the Experimental farm of rice research section located at Sakha station, Kafr EL-Sheikh Governorate and Laboratory of Agric botany department of Faculty of Agriculture Assuit Al-Azhar university. Two Nitrogen fertilization doses in form of urea viz; 165 and 220 Kg N/ ha., were investigated under 6 schedules of nitrogen splitting application along with physiological life span of Egyptian hybrid rice one (EHR1) under broadcast seeded rice as following T1:1/2 basal(B) +1/2panicleinitiation (PI)., T2:1/3B+ 1/3ET+ 1/3PI., T3:., T5:1/4B +1/4ET +1/4PI +Mid-booting(MB)and T6:1/4B+1/4ETS+1/4PFS+1/4 panicle emergence (PE). Analysis of variance indicated that highly significant differences in all studied vegetative characters such as leaf area index, nitrogen concentration in flag leaf at flowering, vegetative dry weight at maturity under 220kg N/ha with multiple ways schedules of nitrogen application. yield and its attributes with high nitrogen dose 220kgN/ha with all schedules of nitrogen splitting application showed highly significant superiority in dry matter accumulation, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, vegetative dry matter at maturity, leaf area index, canopy index as well as grain yield and its attributes. Four or three nitrogen doses one of them at late growth stage surpassed two way-schedule of nitrogen application in all abovementioned characters.It could be summarized that 220 Kg N/ha four equal premiums which jointed both of vegetative and reproductive growth stages with the vital premium at panicle emergence or mid-booting is considered the pertinent schedule to enhance and reach the ceiling productivity of Egyptian rice hybrid. Direct seeded for hybrid rice (DSHR) is considered the future avenue for rice cultivation in Egypt and all over the rice countries. Under DSHR improvement of canopy index is considered analeptic matrix for corresponding rice parameters which physiologically effect directly throughout raise up the contribution of post-anthesis assimilates (Current Photosynthesis) which resulted in maintaining rice grain yield and the nutritional value of rice grains and indirectly throughout increase the translocation of pre-anthesis assimilates (stored assimilates) which reflected on augmentation of harvest index.
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