
This paper explores the application of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) techniques for authenticating candidates based on identity documents. As advancements in technology continue to redefine various industries, the integration of OCR into candidate authentication processes offers a streamlined and efficient solution. The aim is to design a system which gets the image of the identity proof and the details are being retrieved using the character segmentation which is done by a feature extraction optical character recognition algorithm (OCR). The authentication process encompasses document validation and implementation of security measures to safeguard against fraud.By combining YOLO object detection, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and fuzzy matching technique ,this approach aims to enhance the accuracy and reliability of candidate authentication. This underscores the importance of a comprehensive authentication framework, incorporating both technological and procedural elements, to establish a robust and secure candidate authentication process in diverse contexts. Keywords: ID Verification,Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Text Extraction, YOLO,Object Detection,Image Segmentation, EasyOCR , Fuzzy Matching.

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