Electric fields applied to combustion plasmas can be used to manipulate the thermofluid flow field to reduce buoyant forces and, hence, convection in locations near and within the flame. The resulting flow field is similar to that which is obtained in microgravity. Previous work has shown that buoyancy is modified in a non-premixed methane-air capillary flame when it burns in a capillary-to-plane configuration and an electric field is applied, and that regions of neutral or microbuoyancy exist, as indicated by the examined temperature and oxidizer profiles. The aim of this article is to examine in more detail this microbuoyancy condition and the coupling between the ion wind and resulting thermofluid flow field. To this end, the voltage-current characteristics (VCC) of CH4, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H8 are measured and compared. Soot generated in the C2H(X) and propane flames lead to a hysteresis in the VCC curve whereby increased sooting leads to lower ion currents at constant flow rates and applied potentials. Buoyancy regimes for these flames in this configuration are determined. Methane can achieve the highest flow rate without sooting at the microbuoyant condition, and does not exhibit hysteresis in the VCC for the flow rates examined here. Furthermore, in this geometry, the microbuoyant condition for methane is found to coincide with ion current saturation when the capillary-to-plane distance is varied. These results allow for several simplifications to be made when modeling the flame at these conditions: the imposition of a spherical flame boundary with known ion current, and negligible recombination in the domain.
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