
The study was designed to investigate the influence of zinc (Zn) supplementation on cadmium-induced alterations in zinc, copper (Cu), and magnesium (Mg) status in rabbits. For this purpose, the concentrations of cadmium (Cd), Zn, Cu, and Mg were estimated in the blood, liver, kidney, and bone. The rabbits were divided in a control group, a Cd group-animals intoxicated orally with Cd (10 mg kg-1 bw, as aqueous solution of Cd-chloride), and a Cd+Zn group-animals intoxicated with the same dose of Cd and co-treated with Zn (20 mg kg-1 bw, as aqueous solution of Zn-sulphate). Solutions were administered orally, every day for 28 days. Sample mineralisation was performed with concentrated nitric acid (HNO3) and perchloric acid (HClO4) (4:1) and metal concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Zinc supplementation improved some of Cd-induced disturbances in bioelement levels in the investigated tissues. Beneficial effects of Zn on Zn and Cu levels were observed in blood, as well as on the Cu kidney level. The calculated values for Cu/Zn, Mg/Zn, and Mg/Cu ratios in blood suggest that Zn co-treatment reduces Cd-induced changes in bioelement ratios in blood.

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