
In this theoretical research an impersonal style should be used the status of teacher research in science education, examine the advantages of science teacher research, and consider possibilities for the role of science teacher research. In literature teacher research or teacher action research was mentioned only briefly as a part of qualitative research or science teacher education. This lack of attention to science teacher research might reflect the relatively late entry of science teachers into the teacher research movement. Teacher research is an effective model for teacher learning and development. Teacher research can make valuable contributions to the knowledge base for science teaching. Teacher researchers step outside their own assumptions and preconceptions and maintain a healthy skepticism about their observations of themselves and their students. One semester action research project was implemented in observing teaching practice course at the preservice science teachers training at Faculty of Science Palacky University in Olomouc. Students during this semester observed science lessons in upper secondary schools. They analyzed pedagogical events that happened in the class. They also developed a research-base rational paper describing how they will teach science. During this semester students examined one aspect of this rationale in an action research project carried out in collaboration with the host teacher. Science teacher research can contribute to the development of prospective science teachers and the development of a knowledge base for science teaching and learning. This is a particularly interesting moment in time to examine the contributions and potentials of science teacher research. Key words: science education, preservice science teacher training, science teacher research, development of preservice science teachers, action research, preservice science teacher as a research.

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