
This article discusses the issue of the introduction of digital technologies into policy-making. The article describes several systems of policy-making in the Russian Federation. In addition, the article discusses the issue of the introduction of a new System of policy-making in the light of the digital transformation of the Russian economy.
 The paper analyzes the capacities of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), in the context of their application in policy-making. The authors conclude that there are prerequisites and opportunities for deeper automation of the policy-making. This can improve the quality of the bills, can increase public involvement in the policy-making process, and speed up the development and adoption of new regulations. An intelligent system can develop legislative bills that are of superior technical quality and are non-contradictory in the context of both national and international legal systems. Digitalization processes should naturally lead to changes in the mechanism of policy-making, which in turn should lead to its greater automation. Moreover, insufficient automation today can become an obstacle in the digital transformation of the Russian economy.
 The authors conclude that in the future it would be possible for intellectual systems to author bills. The general development of AI systems shows that given the parameters of the problem and given the circumstance when the machine would be able to detect a center of social tensions in the community, the intelligent system itself would be capable of making proposals in the field of legislative regulation.
 The application of intelligent systems in policy-making is not without its drawbacks. Such systems are not transparent in the legal and technical sense and can also transfer human beliefs into the texts of the regulations. These problems can be addressed through public scrutiny and the introduction of a licensing system, however even this would create a number of new practical challenges.


  • Russia is set off on the road for the digitalization

  • As was noted in the text of the Program, “digital economy is an economic activity where the key factor of production is data in the digital form, which contributes to the formation of an information space that takes into account the needs of citizens and society in obtaining reliable information of high quality.” (Decree of the Government, 2017)

  • While the Portal as its main function has disclose of information about the workings of the government agencies and ensuring a broad discussion of draft regulations, including the bills developed by the Russian government with the purpose of conducting a public anti-corruption assessment, the Automated Information System of Project Management, on the other hand, focuses at the intellectual support of project workings of the government, which is especially important given the transition of the Russian Federation to a state programs-based management mechanism, the so-called program budget, which is implemented through the Article 179 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation

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An important step in this direction was the adoption of the Federal Program on Digital economy of the Russian Federation. Digitalization is discussed in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Klaus Schwab who is the founder and a long-time executive chairman of the World Economic Forum in Davos in his bestseller book Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution speaks about the unprecedented penetration of digital technologies in all aspects of life with the speed, which is only increasing (Schwab, 2018). It would be absurd to assume that this progress will not affect the governmental and legal spheres. This process is often referred to as the digitalization of law

Digitalization of the Legal Procedures in Russia
Digitalization of the Policy-Making Process
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