
Abstract Becquer E. R.: Calycogonium pseudofloribundum, a new species of Melastomataceae, Miconieae, from eastern Cuba [Novitiae florae cubensis 37], — Willdenowia 41: 289–294. December 2011. — Online ISSN 1868-6397; © 2011 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem. Stable URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3372/wi.41.41210 Calycogonium pseudofloribundum of the Melastomataceae tribe Miconieae, from eastern Cuba, a species new to science, is described and illustrated. C. pseudofloribundum is closely related to C. floribundum, with which it has been confused for a long time. It can be distinguished from the latter species by leaf features (the ovate to lanceolate leaves have an acute to apiculate apex, the blade is flat to slightly revolute, the margin usually obscurely to minutely dentate towards the apex, the adaxial surface is flat and usually opaque to whitish in dry material by presence of wax layers; they have two, rarely one, pair of secondary veins, the second pair originating 2–9 mm above the base), the external calyx teeth being...

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