
Arastirmada Callosobruchus chinensis ’in 0-24, 24-48, 48-72, 72-96 saatlik yumurta, 20 gunluk larva (yumurta evresi dahil), 28 gunluk pupa (yumurta evresi dahil) ve 0-24 saatlik ergin evrelerine 88.8 mbar (%2 oksijen) vakum duzeyinin olumcul etkinligi degisik uygulama surelerinde belirlenmistir. Denemeler 25oC sicaklik ve %75 orantili nemde yurutulmustur. Elde edilen bu veriler ile probit analizleri yapilmis ve LT50 degerleri hesaplanmistir.Deneme sonuclarina gore; 88.8 mbar vakum uygulamasinda, 25oC sicaklikta; 0-24, 24-48 ve 48-72 saatlik yumurtalarinda mutlak olum 144 saatlik uygulamada belirlenirken, 72-96 saatlik yumurta evresinde 96 saatlik uygulamada belirlenmistir. 0-24, 24-48, 48-72 ve 72-96 saatlik yumurta evresinde LT50 degeri sirasiyla 22.33, 78.49, 73.98 ve 30.72 saat olarak heaplanmistir.Larva evresinde mutlak olum 480 saatlik uygulamada belirlenirken, LT50 degeri ise 228.29 saat olarak hesaplanmistir. Pupa evresinde mutlak olum 432 saatlik uygulamada belirlenirken, LT50 degeri ise 91.99 saat olarak hesaplanmistir. Ergin evresinde mutlak olum 192 saatlik uygulama suresinde belirlenirken, LT50 degeri ise 51.86 saat olarak hesaplanmistir.Abstract In this research, eggs (0-24, 24-48, 48-72, and 72-96 h old), larvae (20 d old)(including egg stage), pupae (28 d old)(including egg stage) and adults (0-24 h) of Callosobruchus chinensis were exposed to 88.8 mbar low pressure (2% oxygen) for different exposure times and the mortality rates at these conditions were determined. All experiments were carried out at 25oC temperature and 75% relative humidity conditions. Time-mortality data were subjected to probit analyses, and LT50 values were computed. According to the results; total mortality at 88.8 mbar vacuum for 0-24, 24-48, 48-72 old eggs were found at 144 h exposure at 25oC; at the same conditions total mortality for 72-96 h old eggs was found at 144 h exposure. LT50 values for 0-24, 24-48, 48-72, 72-96 h old eggs were calculated to be 22.33, 78.49, 73.98, and 30.72 h, respectively.For the larvae of C. chinensis; total mortality at 88.8 mbar vacuum was found at 480 h exposure at 25oC; at the same conditions LT50 values was calculated to be 228.29 h. For the stage of pupae, total mortality at 88.8 mbar vacuum was found at 432 h exposure at 25oC; at the same conditions LT50 values was calculated to be 91.99 h. For the adult stage, total mortality at 88.8 mbar vacuum was found at 192 h exposure at 25oC; at the same conditions LT50 values was calculated to be 51.86 h.

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