
This article explores the importance of paper in traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting and investigates the performance differences between a new paper and an old paper. The characteristics of paper, such as texture, absorbency, color, and durability, significantly impact the artwork’s quality and expression. The development of new papers has been driven by the desire to improve characteristics and meet the evolving needs of artists. This research compares a new paper, made using alternative materials and technology, with an old paper, combining a simulation sample and authentic calligraphy and painting scraps. The evaluation considers parameters such as ink absorption, texture, color vibrancy, bleed-through, smudging, and durability. The new paper demonstrated superior ink absorption, a smooth texture suitable for detailed work, enhanced color vibrancy, minimal bleed-through and smudging, and improved durability. The old paper, while offering a unique rough texture, had slower ink drying times, slightly lower color vibrancy, and less durability. Artists seeking precision and vibrant colors may prefer the new paper, while those desiring a textured and traditional aesthetic may favor the old paper. The findings contribute to understanding the performance characteristics of different papers, aiding artists, collectors, and researchers in their selection and appreciation of paper in calligraphy and painting. Several challenges, such as the omission of specific paper types or brands, a limited sample size, and the oversight of long-term paper durability, warrant further exploration. In the context of modern tools, the article underscores the potential role of artificial intelligence (AI) in supporting artists, collectors, and researchers in the selection and appreciation of paper in calligraphy and painting. Integration of AI for tasks such as data analysis, pattern recognition, and recommendation systems could offer valuable insights, fostering objectivity and efficiency in the study and aiding in the exploration of a wider range of paper characteristics.

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