
迄今为止,中国现代文学研究已取得了举世瞩目的成就,但趋于“饱和”的状态 也使其陷入了举步维艰的境地。因此,寻找新的学术增长点就变得异常重要和紧迫。 “书法文化”与“中国现代作家”的关系,几近是一个研究空白,以往很少引人注 意,这是令人遗憾的。事实上,许多中国现代作家都与书法文化有着不解之缘,他们 在书法收藏、书法创作、书学探讨上都做出了重要贡献;反过来,书法文化也对现代 文学的存在方式、文本形式、情感表达、思维方式以及审美趣味等产生了深刻的影 响。另外,通过对书法文化与中国现代作家关系的考察,还可引发我们进一步深入思 考文学、书法、文化、教育等相关问题,以便有助于新世纪的中国文学和文化获得更 大的发展空间。 关键词: 书法文化 中国现代作家 学术创新 第三种文本 书学 Research on modern Chinese literature has achieved results that have attracted wide attention. However, its state of near “saturation” has placed it in a dilemma with no clear way forward. Finding new academic growth points has become exceptionally important and urgent. The relationship between the “culture of calligraphy” and “modern Chinese writers” is virtually a research blank and has so far attracted regrettably little attention. In fact, many modern Chinese writers have had close ties with calligraphy, making important contributions to its collection, creation and scholarly exploration. Conversely, the culture of calligraphy has exerted a profound influence on such things as the mode of existence, textual forms, emotional expression, ways of thought and aesthetic tastes of modern literature. Moreover, an examination of this relationship may stimulate us to reflect more deeply on literature, calligraphy, culture, education and related issues, which may help us gain a larger space for the development of Chinese culture and literature in the new century.

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