
In the 1920's and 1930's, while modern ”fairy tale” (童話) begins to rise in Chinese literature, ”the child” issue appears in Chinese literature research gradually .Modern children literature writers pay attention to nation mission than child's nature. In their works, real liberation of the child does not exist .In other words, Zhou Zuoren (周作人) and Zheng Zhenze (鄭振鐸) are not only important writers of modern literature but also important children's literature writers。Zheng Zhenze objects to traditional education regarding child as ”adult that dwindle”, and he recognizes fairy tale are ”mostly ridiculous and unusual statements”. Therefore, his children's literature theory produces the paradox. Reviewing ”reformed popular literature (改良主義的爲大衆的文學)”, such as Chinese-Knight- errant novel (武俠小說), which Zheng Zhenze criticizes, there are a lot of child exploration stories that are accord with Zhou Zuoren's theory of ”fairy tale of literature (文學的童話)”. Because the research in modern Chinese children literature concentrates on novel, articles, magazine of ”newly camp”, comparatively neglects popular literature/culture. This thesis is drafted with ”child's image” which is in the popular Chinese-Knight-errant novel” Jiang hu qi xia zhuan (江湖奇俠傳)”, and publication” red magazine (紅雜誌)” (also named” red rose (紅玫瑰)” in 1924-1937). The child's image in popular literature will contrast the child theory of ”newly camp” so as to fill the discourse of children in modern Chinese literature.

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