
Call for Papers: Feminist Perspectives on War and Peace Before and After 9–11:A Special Issue of NWSA Journal Berenice Carroll, Janet Afary, and Patsy Schweickart Guest Editors: Berenice Carroll, Janet Afary, and Patsy Schweickart, Women's Studies Program, Purdue University Although the momentous events of 9-11 (and after) contribute urgency and new questions to feminist analysis of war and peace, it is important not to be captivated by the trope—"9-11 changed the world." This special issue will offer a perspective that is historical as well as internationalist, that looks backwards as well as forwards, and that will engage the journal's readership in dialogue with international scholars on global issues that affect all of us, if differently. We also seek to promote a timely exploration of the intersections and disjunctions of feminist studies and peace studies. We are seeking: • Articles (25-30 pages) on: feminist analysis of 9-11 and its relationship to pre-existing and continuing gender factors affecting war and peace; intersections of peace studies and feminist studies; the traditions of women's peace activism; history and critical analysis of women's contributions to peace and nonviolence theory; contemporary feminist perspectives on violence and war; historical and cultural perspectives on conflicts in diverse geographical areas (the Middle East, Afghanistan, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe); the interaction of gender, race, and ethnicity in the politics of war and peace; sexuality and war; interactions of patriarchy, racism, heterosexism, and militarism; women's work for peace and human rights; women's involvement in war and "terrorism"; women in nationalist, racist, and fundamentalist movements; women in revolutionary and liberation movements; feminist analysis of globalization and justice issues; women's experiences and resistance in conditions of war and structural violence; rape, warfare, and violations of human rights; feminist alternatives to patriarchy and the war system. • Proposals for book reviews and review essays, and suggestions of books to be reviewed on the topics above. • Essays, personal experience, points of view, and similar contributions to a section of "Voices." • Send proposals for articles, reviews and essays with a two-page c.v. to: Patsy Schweickart, Department of English, 500 Oval Drive, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. E-mail: Pschweic@sla.purdue.edu; tel: 765-743-7970. Deadline: December 15, 2004 Berenice Carroll, Janet Afary, and Patsy Schweickart Women's Studies Program, Purdue University Copyright © 2004 NWSA Journal

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