
Today’s busy learners often find it hard to squeeze time out of their everyday hectic life to study in the traditional face-to-face classroom settings. They continuously ask for the authentic and realistic English experience in the present classroom of non-English environment. Yet English teachers find it hard to meet all of the learners’ needs in the regular classroom settings. The solution on both of the parts of the learners and the teachers could be CALL Design, the convergence of education and technology, which may tackle many of the complaints and problems.BR This study examines the current state of CALL Design and its practical usage in EFL classes in Korea. CALL Design stands for Computer Assisted Language Learning. It is an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of the materials to be learned. CALL BRDesign is a term, applicable to all types of computer-based learning--that is, e-learning. Among the computer assisted learning tools, the most commonly used is the internet. which places English in an international context, promoting language learning by helping students to experience authentic English. The electronic discourse tends to be more lexically and syntactically complex than the oral discourse and features a broad range of linguistic functions beneficial for language acquisition. BR The study concludes that using CALL Design can reduce students’ anxiety and increase their motivation by providing authentic setting for them to learn English language in non-English speaking environment. In accordance with the growing interest and benefits of CALL Design, the teachers need to become more familiarized with using the internet and its various functions. They must learn how to use specific search tools in order to prepare their lessons. For further study, more research is to be done in the teachers’ and student’s perceptions and responses of using CALL Design for EFL teaching and learning to enhance the quality of English education in Korea.

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