Motor adaptation due to task practice implies a gradual shift from deliberate control of behavior to automatic processing, which is less resource- and effort-demanding. This is true both for deliberate aiming movements and for more stereotyped movements such as locomotion and equilibrium maintenance. Balance control under persisting critical conditions would require large conscious and motor effort in the absence of gradual modification of the behavior. We defined time-course of kinematic and muscle features of the process of adaptation to repeated, predictable perturbations of balance eliciting both reflex and anticipatory responses. Fifty-nine sinusoidal (10 cm, 0.6 Hz) platform displacement cycles were administered to 10 subjects eyes-closed (EC) and eyes-open (EO). Head and Center of Mass (CoM) position, ankle angle and Tibialis Anterior (TA) and Soleus (Sol) EMG were assessed. EMG bursts were classified as reflex or anticipatory based on the relationship between burst amplitude and ankle angular velocity. Muscle activity decreased over time, to a much larger extent for TA than Sol. The attenuation was larger for the reflex than the anticipatory responses. Regardless of muscle activity attenuation, latency of muscle bursts and peak-to-peak CoM displacement did not change across perturbation cycles. Vision more than doubled speed and the amount of EMG adaptation particularly for TA activity, rapidly enhanced body segment coordination, and crucially reduced head displacement. The findings give new insight on the mode of amplitude- and time-modulation of motor output during adaptation in a balancing task, advocate a protocol for assessing flexibility of balance strategies, and provide a reference for addressing balance problems in patients with movement disorders.
Practice improves movement kinematics and diminishes the accompanying metabolic and cognitive cost
Tibialis Anterior (TA) activity was much smaller under eyes open (EO) than eyes closed (EC) condition, both at the beginning and at steady-state (D), which was reached within very few cycles
Our aim was to confirm that: (a) leg muscle EMG activity decreases over the perturbation cycles (Schmid et al, 2011) and to assess whether; (b) adaptation is differently modulated for the reflex and anticipatory responses elicited in the leg postural muscles; (c) adaptation implies changes in both amplitude and latency of the response bursts; (d) a relationship exists between EMG response adaptation and critical kinematic variables; in addition, we addressed; and (e) the role of vision on adaptation
Practice improves movement kinematics and diminishes the accompanying metabolic and cognitive cost. Berger et al (1992) and Dietz et al (1993) described leg muscle activity and biomechanical patterns in subjects standing on an unstable support basis, such as a treadmill moving backward and forward. Their pioneer study suggested that the aim of the control process is to stabilize the position of the body’s center of gravity relative to the feet, while the forces acting on the body during the treadmill movements are minimized
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