
A new E∥B neutral particle analyzer, which has recently been installed on Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) reversed-field pinch (RFP), has now been calibrated, allowing the measurement of the fast ion density and energy distribution. This diagnostic, dubbed the advanced neutral particle analyzer (ANPA), can simultaneously produce time resolved measurements of the efflux of both hydrogen and deuterium ions from the plasma over a 35 keV energy range with an energy resolution of 2-4 keV and a time resolution of 10 μs. These capabilities are needed to measure both majority ion heating that occurs during magnetic reconnection events in MST and the behavior of the fast ions from the 1 MW hydrogen neutral beam injector on MST. Calibration of the ANPA was performed using a custom ion source that resides in the flight tube between the MST and the ANPA. In this work, the ANPA will be described, the calibration procedure and results will be discussed, and initial measurements of the time evolution of 25 keV neutral beam injection-born fast ions will be presented.

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