
Compliance equations based on back-face strain or crack mouth opening displacement, and potential drop techniques are widely used to calculate fatigue crack growth rate. Standard ASTM E647 for fatigue crack growth rate testing does not include compliance based equations for single edge notched four-point bending (SENB-4P) specimens. Equations developed based on finite element (FE) analysis have been reported in literature; however, they are limited to the long crack propagation regime (i.e., relative crack length ratios a/W > 0.15). No compliance relations for crack growth in the physically short crack regime were found in literature. This work reports on a complementary numerical-experimental study towards the development of compliance equations with an extended application range in terms of relative crack length. FE simulations have been used to calibrate a back-face strain compliance equation for calculation of relative crack length in the range 0.05 ≤ a/W ≤ 0.5 for SENB-4P specimens. Four point bending fatigue tests were performed on SENB specimens extracted from 50 mm thick welded steel plates. Direct current potential drop (DCPD) for crack monitoring was used as benchmark and validation of the crack lengths determined from a back-face strain gage.

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