
A general theoretical framework is developed for the treatment of a class of quantum field theories that are explicitly exactly solvable, but require the use of C*-algebraic techniques because time-dependent scattering theory cannot be constructed in any one natural representation of the observable algebra. The purpose is to exhibit mechanisms by which inequivalent representations of the observable algebra can arise in quantum field theory, in a setting free of other complications commonly associated with the specification of dynamics. One of two major results is the development of necessary and sufficient conditions for the concurrent unitary implementation of two automorphism groups in a class of quasifree representations of the algebra of the canonical commutation relations (CCR). The automorphism groups considered are induced by one-parameter groups of symplectic transformations on the classical phase space over which the Weyl algebra of the CCR is built; each symplectic group is conjugate by a fixed symplectic transformation to a one-parameter unitary group. The second result, an analog to the Birman–Belopol’skii theorem in two-Hilbert-space scattering theory, gives sufficient conditions for the existence of Mo/ller wave morphisms in theories with time-development automorphism groups of the above type. In a paper which follows, this framework is used to analyze a particular model system for which wave operators fail to exist in any natural representation of the observable algebra, but for which wave morphisms and an associated S matrix are easily constructed.

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