
AN article by Mr. Victor Anestin, of Bukarest, on calendar reform in the States of the Greek Church, extracted from A. Richter's “Kalender” (Riga, 1912), has been received. The author gives an interesting account of the efforts which have been made in the Balkan States and in Greece towards the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, and describes the state of public opinion on the question at the present time. It is a pathetic story of ecclesiastical prejudice and jealousy on one side and political irresolution and instability on the other. The chief obstacle to following the practice of western Europe lies in the fear entertained by each national church of being denounced as schismatic by the other adherents of the Greek faith, and this prevents any one of the churches, though nominally independent, from taking the lead and sanctioning the reform. Hence the out look at present is not promising. Mr. Anestin expresses the opinion that the fate of the reform in these States depends on the action of Russia, since the other Greek churches would not be likely to impugn the Russian church, but would probably follow its initiative. In the meantime, the matter does not advance. Roumania seems to have gone further than the other States, and though a Bill enacting the change which was presented to the Chamber came to nothing owing to the political circumstances of the time, the postal and telegraph services and the railways use the Western calendar, and all the almanacs show both styles side by side.

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