
FOR the past nine years calendars have been published in our columns recording week by week notes of historic interest relating to people and institutions, discoveries and inventions, customs, festivals, geographical exploration and other matters appropriate to a scientific “Book of Days” We began in 1924 with “Early Science at the Royal Society” and during last year appeared a “Calendar of Geographical Exploration” which was contributed by Miss R. M. Fleming and most admirably fulfilled its purpose. With this issue begins an annual cycle of a different kind relating to natural history in a wide sense, as was understood, for example, by Gilbert White in the notes and letters which make up his famous “Natural History of Selborne” Prof. James Ritchie, Regius professor of natural history in the University of Aberdeen, will be chiefly responsible for the weekly notes in this “Calendar of Nature Topics” and Dr. C. E. P. Brooks will deal with meteorological events of topical interest. In addition, we hope to receive occasional notes on such subjects as agriculture, botany, marine biology, fisheries and similar branches of pure and applied natural history from other contributors.

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