
The computer simulation of acoustic сhannels of a tandem techniques on transverse waves (usual) and with transformation of radiated transverse waves in longitudinal on a upright oriented surface of the reflector such as a round flat bottom hole is conducted, during which one the calculations of echo signals for different stratification depths of the reflector, angles of probes and bases to apex are executed. For both methods the influencing on amplitude of a registered signal of a rule position of the reflector on depth of the control is established. The obtained formula of an acoustic сhannel of a tandem technique with transformation allows to conduct calculations of a echo signal at change of spacing interval from the reflector up to transmitting and receiving probes. It is showed, that at a ultrasonic probe technique of objects with a bottom surface without a cladding fused layer with usage of a tandem technique with transformation of transverse waves in longitudinal as contrasted to by usual scheme the tandem of advantages has no.If the bottom surface of object contacts to a cladding fused layer, the ultrasonic probe technique with usage of the scheme a tandem with transformation of transverse waves in longitudinal for the upright oriented planar reflector can be more sensing, than with usage of the usual scheme a tandem.

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