
With the growth of thermal capacity of the equipment, the tasks of designing new and modernizing existing thermal workshops, taking into account the safe working conditions of staff, are of great importance. However, there are often no experimental data for measuring irradiation and temperature of equipment and workplaces, and the results of a special assessment of working conditions are available only for existing industries and then the method of constructing radiation exposure diagrams comes to the rescue. The article presents the results of calculations of the exposure levels of open and closed workplaces, which showed that the sanitary and hygienic standard on the working area of the EAF-150 was significantly exceeded. Experimental studies of the temperature of the surfaces of the equipment placed on the working platform of DSP-150 showed that the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards for temperature are met only on the outer wall of the furnace control panel, which is not acceptable. Thus, at the design stage of the steel-smelting shop, when modernizing the furnaces (switching to super-power furnaces DSP-150), the possible negative effects of radiation sources were not taken into account and the distance protection in the shop was practically not effective.

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